
Gumba Blue

Score & Parts, Downloadable

Duration 9:00 $115.00

Reed Doubles

  1. Picc
  2. Fl.


While this was played by trumpet and piano on our record, there are changes in alto, tenor, and trombone parts, too. We also do baritone and accordion solos on this. Go crazy!


Regular 5, 4, 4, guitar, piano, bass and drums

The offer contains

  • Downloadable PDF Score & Parts for "Gumba Blue"
  • Streamed video of Maria discussing the rehearsal of this piece
  • Streamed video with bass trombonist, George Flynn


Recorded on Evanescence, "Gumba Blue" (a minor blues), has become a staple in our repertoire that we've played literally hundreds of times. Part of the reason is that there are many options for solos in this piece. Our original recording had Greg Gisbert and Kenny Werner playing trumpet and piano, but you can vary the soloists and can double-up solos on sections, maybe doing the second one in half-time feel (the backgrounds still work just fine over it by the way). I've heard "Gumba Blue" played in endless creative ways – the band managing to keep if fresh even decades later.  It's not terribly difficult to play, although the bass trombone part is quite challenging. That's the trickiest part about playing this piece, that along with finding everyone's spontaneous spirit. This piece offers your rhythm section and soloists a chance to really think, listen, and play creatively, delivering something different every time they approach playing it.  (Doubles are minimal)


  1. piccolo, alto sax (solo can be in any of the reed parts and opened up for any player in the band)
  2. flute, alto sax
  3. tenor
  4. tenor
  5. baritone

See full selection of Scores & Parts, categorized by difficulty, doubles, and solos.